There are a number of things to consider. You may be best to pick up the phone first and talk to us! But, for equipment and as an initial guide, consider the material used and hygienic design. Equipment and certain types of materials should be designed to minimise the chance of cross contamination, extraneous matter contamination, and should be easy to clean and, if necessary, sanitise. Consider any claims that are made about the product – claims of efficacy, for example, will often require support of appropriate documentation. Technical specifications need to be available for review so we can confirm that the materials or components are safe for use in a food processing environment. You might also consider your own factory’s Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and its ability to minimise the risk of contamination of the finished article – especially where it is to be used in particularly hygiene sensitive areas in a food room. Service providers need appropriate food safety training, reporting systems and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)