Nature has its own method of cleaning air of odours, bacteria and virus besides simple dispersion. They are known as Hydroxyls or Hydroxyl Clusters and are found mostly at mountain top heights, especially more so on sunny days.

Ozone is also nature’s odour and pathogen killer, but is poisonous to all forms of life at the concentrations required to be effective, whilst Hydroxyls are completely safe at any concentration. You cannot work in a Ozone rich atmosphere, but you can very safely work in a hydroxyl rich environment. Nature has seen it fit to make our bodies immune to hydroxyls whilst leaving them extremely effective in killing single celled organisms such as bacteria, virus, mould and fungus spores.

Hydroxyls can be easily reproduced by today’s technology from compact devices and is employed already in Hospitals (especially Hospital Kitchens), Food Manufacturing, Aged Care facilities, Veterinary Practices, Office blocks and a wide range of other applications to improve air quality and rid the air of airborne pathogens such as respiratory diseases and other bacteria that may contaminate and spread in food products.

What is a hydroxyl? It’s a water molecule (H²O) missing one of its Hydrogen atoms and because it’s in an unbalanced state, it seeks to replace its missing Hydrogen atom. These Hydroxyl (OH-) molecules are attracted to single celled organisms in the air and on surfaces, attach to them, and forcibly rip a Hydrogen atom from the cell wall. They are now H²O again – harmless water molecules. In the meantime, the cell wall of the organism has been ruptured and like a popped balloon, it dies.

This is a very simple mechanical action. Bacteria & virus cannot become immune to it. Further, the Hydroxyl is indiscriminate on what Bacteria & Virus it chooses attacking all equally including the common cold, flu, influenza and Sars.

The present threatening respiratory virus COVID-19 has a similar structure to Influenza virus. Its the same family as the SARS virus. They all have a limpid membrane (wall) and its this membrane that the hydroxyls disrupt.

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