Notice for HACCP Australia’s Product Certification Licensees.
A message from Clive Withinshaw, Director, HACCP Australia and HACCP International:
To whom it may concern,
I would like to introduce you to a small change to our product certification process to take effect from 1st March 2019. No action is required by licensees or certificate holders.
HACCP International and HACCP Australia have shared and continue to share common heritage and ownership.
During the development of our product certification over the last 18 years, and with the growing demand for our product certification overseas, HACCP Australia needed to ‘internationalise’ its services. Consequently, a second company, in the name of ‘HACCP International’ began operations some 10 or more years ago. With the scheme now being in demand, to a much greater extent outside of Australia, it is to this body, HACCP International, that the conformities, accreditations and wider process requirements of product certification have now become attached.
With this background, the company has decided to bring all product certification, both here and overseas, under the one single company and process – being that of HACCP International, although you are free to use, and will remain licensed to use, the very similar HACCP Australia mark, as you do now, and for as long as your certification is valid, should you so wish. Many, in fact, might prefer this.
Within Australia and The South Pacific, HACCP Australia, will continue to undertake all other services – projects for food and beverage industry businesses, food safety auditing, management system certification and other food science activities.
This means that all product certification within the scheme ‘Food Safe Materials, Equipment and Services’, can be carried out more efficiently by the one single certification body – HACCP International – with the only change to you, the licensee, being that the certification will thereafter be issued in its name. It will also lessen confusion for international companies.
The processes, requirements, fees, conditions and geographical limitations in the use of the mark do not change.
Within Australia, licensees may continue to use the ‘HACCP Australia’ brand, certification mark and references just as now, if they so wish. Alternatively, they are free to adopt the HACCP International mark. Both will remain in force and supported. With their very similar appearance, no licensee will be disadvantaged. No action is required of licensees whatsoever.
The ‘HACCP International’ certification mark has only very slight differences in the wording surrounding the logo. Please see the examples below for comparison. A number of globally certified companies already use both brands.
In due course, invoices for product certification and evaluation may be issued by HACCP International Pty Ltd, although that will not take effect before 2020 at the earliest.
This move allows for the streamlining of certification and the housing of processes, registrations and qualifications in one body. It will also improve the process for companies that hold our certification both within and outside Australia.
If you have any questions whatsoever, please get in touch with HACCP International’s certification manager, Rachel Meryment,, any of our international offices or me.
HACCP Australia – Registered Certification Mark below
HACCP International – Registered Certification Mark – below
Clive Withinshaw, Director