Avion Services Australia

Avion Services Australia – Pest Management, accredited to ISO standard 9001:2008,  is dedicated to protecting your reputation & working environment through our quality products and services. We simply provide you with the best in pest management solutions.
We are certified to develop and deliver pest control services to commercial, industrial and residential customers. We can provide professional and independent audit advice to your business. Understanding your business is our business. Our difference lies in our dedicated team to deliver pest solutions to protect you, your home, and your business. We support your business by offering our commercial clients online access to all your documents helping you maintain your pest management system.
Our staff are fully trained and licensed pest management technicians, who know the pest business and the best pest management solutions for you.

1300 253 799
CPM Pest & Hygiene Services

Specialist pest control services for the food industry

CPM has changed the world of Integrated Pest Management by providing a higher quality of service. Our Clients have access to a computerised reporting system that provides proof of service, a wide range of reports and graphs to satisfy any audit requirements. CPM specializes in providing Pest Control services to commercial premises and count many of the country's leading companies among our client base.

+61 2 9674 5499
Ecolab Pty Ltd – Pest Elimination Division

Pest elimination services for the food industry.

Ecolab Pest Elimination has more than 30 years of pest management experience focusing exclusively on the institutional/commercial market segments. We consistently deliver our scientifically proven protocols to not only control pests, but eliminate them. All while providing the insights needed to help identify risks before they happen. With Ecolab, you can be confident you are protecting your customers, employees, and your reputation from pest related risk.

1800 022 002
Expel Pest Solutions
Business Name

As a specialist provider, Expel Pest Solutions is managed and manned by a professional team of fully trained, and licensed Technicians, with years of combined experience in an industry focused on clients’ specific requirements -  Expel adopts responsible work procedures that reflect best practice solutions using the latest technology in its reporting system, and work methods that enhances the effectiveness of the service we provide.

+61 408 226 446