

Protecting your most valuable asset – people

More speed. More efficiency. More output. The industrial world continues to run faster, smarter and further than ever, placing ever-greater demands on manufacturing and production. As a result of this, attention tends to focus on the ability of hardware and technology – such as high-speed interior doors – to improve operational performance and efficiency. Read more...

Hand Held Thermometers – Choices and options

Digital thermometers from a reputable supplier are an essential monitoring tool in most food facilities. Many CCPs are monitored by temperature checks and this is because heat (or the lack of it) is used to control the growth or kill micro-organisms. Modern thermometers are electronic and feature microprocessor driven probes or even detectors capable of reading infrared radiation but Read more...

Hygiene by Design – by Martin Stone

My role with HACCP International involves the review of equipment specifically developed for use within the food industry. Much of this equipment is produced by some of the world’s leading manufacturers and I often hear the term ‘Hygienic Design’ tossed around. So what exactly is ‘Hygienic Design’ and why do we want it ? In its most basic form, Read more...

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