More speed. More efficiency. More output. The industrial world continues to run faster, smarter and further than ever, placing ever-greater demands on manufacturing and production. As a result of this, attention tends to focus on the ability of hardware and technology – such as high-speed interior doors – to improve operational performance and efficiency.

But alongside growing performance demands is the growing challenge of ensuring worker health and well-being – particularly when it comes to safety and hygiene. An issue that’s been brought sharply into focus with the continuing and evolving COVID-19 pandemic.

Fortunately for your business, there’s a range of technologies and features that can now be integrated into high-speed doors to actively improve worker well-being while also increasing operational efficiency. So, your business never misses a step.

Adding more for your workers

As we explored in our earlier blog on higher-performing high-speed interior doors, there are several features that should now be integrated into your high-speed door to keep pace with new demands. In addition to this, there are several customizable add-ons that can also be considered to actively increase worker safety and hygiene in your operations.

One example of these safety features is integrated LED traffic lights for high-speed applications, preventing serious injury as much as possible. Another optional feature to consider is a foam door curtain that reduces noise levels due to its increased acoustic insulation. This curtain also offers the additional benefit of improving the indoor environment for your workers with its increased thermal properties.

For more hygienic operations, a fully touchless opening system integrated into your high-speed door will ensure easy access and better hygiene at touchpoints for your workers. And for operations that require even more stringent demands, your high-speed door can also be designed specifically to perform in hygienic applications with humid or corrosive environments.

Within high-speed interior doors, ASSA ABLOY offers all these customizable add-ons and more.  Read more here 

Download the ASSA ABLOY HS9120GHY high speed door product leaflet